Everything started in 1969. With the journey to the moon. From then on, everything has changed.
Moon’s been the stimulus for mankind. Love, tragedies, songs, plays, movies, tales, legends, causes, innumerable others to mention if you mean to.
In one, it’s the inspiration for love, in the other the malefactor for all the pain we suffer.
But mine is a whole different story.
After my folks pledged their troths, they moved to the land of peace in 1969. I had 10 years to count. Then my existence protruded with my first whisper.
Another 10 years changed my whole life. I had a new home.. and a new appellation.
And then it took exactly 10 years for me to have the audacity to question my life further.
Now, the next 10th year, left me lost in space, all alone.. time isn’t ticking as it is supposed to. Words have lost meaning, or worse, letters don’t form any words. Foods don’t nourish no more. Even the water drops are rebelling against their expected pace. I just have to get right out of here.
Everything starts with a dot.
And this is where I’m lost.
And this is where I start to fill in the meaning of hollow, to grasp the profound idea of a dot, to fathom the sincerity of true grief.
And just now I happen to realize that also everything ceases with a dot.
Mehmet Koçali
May 18th, 2009