For some time I was looking for a suitable accommodation in Berlin for us, but listings were so limited on Airbnb and other services, I thought that I was too late because Berlin’s a big attraction for many and all the places were already booked for the weekend.

After discussing it with Fulya, we decided to change our plan and not go to Berlin, because it would be too costly for us. So, I was checking other possible locations and routes to take. Fulya, sitting next to me was checking her Facebook timeline on her phone. Then she said, “Hey, you know what, Tania is in Berlin :)” with a smile. I know she lives in Munich, so she was in Berlin for the weekend obviously, the reason why all the listings are booked:)
I wrote a comment to her facebook post explaining our situation, that if we’ll be lucky to find a last minute deal, we’ll come to Berlin, and we could see each other. To our surprise, we learned that she had an apartment in Berlin whose kitchen she was renovating and that we could stay there because she didn’t have any tenants for the moment.
It was just like magic, pure magic. One moment, we were changing our plans and canceling the Berlin part, the next moment we had a place to crash, a very nice one as well 🙂
Thank you so much, Tania, for allowing us to stay here, you are like an angel 🙂 We also should add that Tania was kind of our inspiration and motivator to start this road trip, after last year we had witnessed her driving to Tunisia with three children 🙂