It was the summer of ’99 when I met Robert and Adrienn, the siblings from Budapest. Adrienn was the victim of our act with our teacher Damian. We had acted as if I was the teacher and Damian was one of the students at Harrow House. The act lasted for maybe half an hour, then when we switched places with the teacher, my fellow students were surprised to see why I, the “teacher” would sit now among them 🙂 Had totally forgotten about this, but thanks to Adrienn, she reminded me 🙂

After 17 years, seeing them was like a dream-like flashback, but in reality 🙂
We met them at Egyetem tér and went to a nearby Budapest restaurant, the Véndiák Étterem.
It was as if no one had aged, everything was just like we’ve left it years ago.
Thanks for the wonderful time we spent together, “Nagyon szépen köszönöm!”.